BL - physics 101 covers Newton's Laws (note the possessive apostrophe). Just in case you missed that class; those Laws are for objects in the physical world. Newton's Laws do not apply to ephemeral things like thoughts or writing or rules on writing.

Daoism? Please. Spiritual or philosophical teachings are now the basis for you discounting grammatical rules? I've heard of scraping the barrel before, but that's certainly a new one on me.

You really are the opposite side of the coin to most other people here:

People here seek knowledge.
You seek validation of your crackhead opinions.

People here write from a position of knowledge.
You write from a position of ill-informed and ill-formed opinions..

People here accept when they are wrong.
You don't.

People here provide evidence for their p.o.v.
You state you have evidence, tell everyone that you'll post it later, and then don't. Then you claim that you did.

With all of the above, if people here fail to do any of those things, they get called on it and they usually respond well. It's not nice being wrong, or having long-held opinions debunked, but most intelligent people prefer to know when they are wrong.
You don't.