Not sure if I've met either one of you but thank you for giving me information constructive to alleviating my problem. I look for good going guys to train with and must respect them as people even if their skills exceed mine.

My current training all (when I can get down there) is Phet Phongsavane's on hillcrest and bab****. Mostly a muay thai crowd, but all good guys and they train hard. He's got MMA guys there too, and "traditional" self defense style, and of course pure muay thai. I think Im the only guy affiliated with him with heavy chinese MA background.

I train there because one, I've known Pete for a long time, he can still kick the crap outta me, and he is well respected and very good guy in every sense of the word.

I pretty much go in there and use his other guys as training partners to see how my hands do against the MMA guys and the MT guys. My wrist is still broken, healing very very slowly. So Ive been absent for some time. As soon as it heals up completely where I can take my training back to it's normal levels (as far as contact is concerned) I will look up the embas guys.

Can either of you two give me contact info for the guys on broadway? Thanks.