Hi all,

I just read a forum on a Yang family site http://www.yangfamilytaichi.com/

There was a discussion there along the lines of 'taiji is dependent on your opponent throwing the first attack' and then an anecdote about a taiji guy sparring his aikido student which involved standing waiting for 5 minutes and then giving up. Sounded like a complete crock to me. I get so frustrated hearing this sort of stuff. If your opponent won't attack then throw a lead to get him to start moving.

imho taiji is a martial art, I train distance sparring and often throw the first strike - I look to get contact if the opponents' arms are in my way, but if there's a clear route to the head/body then I take it. If you wait for the first attack then you are taking a huge risk.

I know the 'move second, arrive first' principle but I don't personally interpret that as 'wait for an attack to start and then hit them', I take it as 'wait for an opportunity before moving in'. That opportunity could be a moment of double weighting on their part or a shuffle step forwards.

Interested to hear your opinions

"If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?"