In your classes, do you guys have a relaxed environment or a structured one?
Can people show up throughout the class to join in or once class starts is that it?
Is it very physically demanding? Like could you use it almost as a weight loss program while you train ving tsun?
Do people warm up on their own or do it as a class?
Care to share any warm ups?
Are there certain areas that you guys emphasize more than others?
Do you guys have a school or train out of your basement or garage?
Kinda the voyeur in me without looking
I'll start.
Our classes have start and stop times but the stop times aren't set in stone. If you show up late, you do some push ups but nothing big. A lot of times our classes go past the 2 hour mark and people will train as long as one of the instructors are there that can lock up.
Our warm up varies on who does it, some of them are more demanding than others but if we really want to get into shape it's something that we'd have to do outside of class. Mind you I'm usually full of sweat so it's fine for me plus I'd rather spend most of my limited time training ving tsun than doing a workout. I'll do that on my own time.
We've got a school and like I've said before that's a real sacrafice on my Sifu's part because there have been too many times that he's paid out of his pocket to teach us.

I'm really interested in hearing some warm ups that you guys do because I'm getting my house at the end of the month and I'm gonna have a basement to workout in finally. I can't wait. Plus we're expecting a baby girl in March so my attendance to class will probably be truncated if not comletely stopped for the first little while
