Well, I've been doing PTP for almost five months now, and I feel it's time for a change. While I've experienced terrific strength gains, esp. on my Deads, I've had almost no size gains (nothing measurable anyway). I've always really liked the 20 rep squat program from "Super Squats", but I haven't got any access to a squat-rack anymore, so I think I'm going to do a modified PTP inspired 20 rep Deadlift program. It looks like this:

Deadlift 1X20
Military Press 3X failure
Concentration Curls 3X failure, forced reps, negatives
Skull-crushers 1X failure, forced reps, negatives
Coc gripper 3X failure, forced reps, negatives

I'll do this 3X per week. Of course you notice the excessive arm emphasis. This is due to my arms lagging behind the rest of my body quite a bit now. Since I haven't bothered to isolate them for over two years, I figure it might be useful to try to now. I know bench press and pull-ups would probably make the program more rounded, but I haven't the gear at this time.

So my current goal is to start at 100 lbs. deadlifts X20 and add five pounds per workout until I'm pulling my current five rep max (320 lbs.) X20. After that, I'll re-evaluate. Any coments or suggestions? I won't start this new program until Wed.