That might be fine on a small scale but in a larger organization like WL it's difficult to organize individual testing like that. Much easier to have everyone in town at the same time, run through your stuff and have a seminar aftwards (MC teaches a seminar after testing while everyone is in town). Each evening there is a meeting to discuss school business and such.

It already takes 3 days with up to 30 people testing (don't know the current count). And how can you know "what material your student has and can perform" when they're spread all across the country.

As you can see things work a little different the larger it gets. It's hard to maintain that personal oversight when dealing with volume.

"Hard is not good enough, I want to walk away as a better Martial Artist. That is my reason for testing."

The purpose of WL Sifu certification is not to make you a better martial artist or to whip you into shape. The intent is to verify you have not forgotten the material and can teach it adequetely. There's more to teaching than looking good.

Anyone else in a large organization like WL? I'd like to hear how others work.