Originally posted by t_niehoff
kj wrote:

I too have a very hard time of conceiving of my performance in terms of "techinques."

**Tell me, in your "performance" of what -- forms or drills?
Terence, if I thought for a moment this question was posed in good faith and at face value rather than the usual setup for round-and-round, I'd oblige.

With due respect to forum readers and all concerned, I see no need for any of us to waste time going in further circles. I couldn't begin to count the number of times we have found ourselves at this same juncture. Here is a way to save eveyone time and aggravation: simply do what you are compelled to do - label me, categorize me, publish an essay on how I have zero basis for opinion or comment, skip Go and collect $200. Then complete the task by doing likewise post-haste for all the other members of the forum so we can finally move along to more interesting and potentially constructive topics. Lump as many as possible of us together as if we are all exactly the same, and the task will go that much quicker.

When all is said and done at least there may be some sub-factions left willing to entertain discussion and dialog with one another. Just be sure to tell us which list we're on so we can know unequivocally who we're allowed to converse with and who we've no right to address. Alternatively, if most folks simply abandon attempts at dialog altogether (a considerable possibility given the history of internet forums) then even more effective.

Back to your question, and in case it simplifies matters in getting everyone labeled correctly and playing on the right "teams": being as I am a "non fighter" (a self-confessed one no less … the horror of it!!!) of course I couldn't possibly think or operate in non-technique-oriented ways. What could I possibly have been thinking to write that I don’t think or operate in a technique-oriented way ... [shakes own head at self].


[and apologies to the readership for my apparent lapse and rant]

Ironically enough, I can understand the majority of your points and even agree with many if not most of them; it's the persistent extremism that perennially baffles me. Yet in another way it doesn't baffle me. When thinking clearly, I am well aware that while it appears we are writing about Wing Chun (or topic du jour), what we are really expressing is more about ourselves. So after all that, I reckon you'll keep writing about you, I'll keep writing about me, and everyone else about themselves, LOL.

- kj