
EF: Understood and appreciated..

My point was that an opportunity was presented and responses were made.. personal choices as to how to state opinions regarding an obvious natural tragedy.. This tragedy needed no links to other tragedies, no comparisons to wars or individual issues.. it stands on its own both in scope and intensity.. and, here i state my own personal opinion, that any link to other issues is disrespectful.. i am solely concerned with the well-being of my fellow man regarding the tsunami, that i am compelled to write the checks and if i had the resources i would travel there to help (and maybe check-out some local breaks).. here, in central Florida, after the first hurricane, Charley, the aid and relief pouring in from around the country was a moving and greatly appreciated display of compassion.. crews from as far away as St. Louis were working around the clock to restore our services.. our school took them snacks and drinks as often as was possible.. it's my turn to "pay it forward", so.. i write my check and send it to the relief center for Sumatra, and as funds permit i will write another..

War is preventable cause and effect.. not relevent in the context natural disasters.. regardless of its perceived "natural inevitability" (which i disagree with) it is controlable.. our species just hasn't figured that out yet..

Be well..