I've always been interested in mantis style, but there has only been one sifu in my area. Sifu Baugh of the Lohan school. He is a good guy and a good teacher, but his school wasn't for me.

I was bored tonight, so I decided to search the net to see if any new schools in my area have a website of some sort. And this came up. Supposedly this school has been around for three years, but I had not heard one thing about it.

It's called the Winded Fist Temple of Martial Arts. The person who runs the school is Terrance A. Bilal, who is authorised to teach under Song Jang Soo. There is a sifu Freddie W. Maryweather and a sifu James Willis Jr.

I came on here to see is anyone had heard any of these names or studied with or under one of them, and if they have a good rep or not.

I was able to see the website under this. http://www.kungfusites.com/wftma1/index.cfm?

Check it out, and tell me if it seems authentic, or if you think it's hokey. Thanks.