Though its still very early in my Wu training, there's a motion that I've seen in the various styles that looks slightly different in each, and I was curious if it was always applied the same accross the styles?

Single Whip: (I hope I have the name right) the rear hand is in a monkey's fist, while the forward arm makes a circular motion out to the front with the palm facing out like a palm strike. I believe that's single whip (or at least a poor description of it). And I get the impression its a throw, likely a break, and possibly some other stuff.

My question: In Chen style (or it could be Yang), they appear to do it from a bow stance, but in Wu style, it appears to be trained from a horse (I'm not that far in the first 108 form yet, but I've seen the whole form a number of times now). Is the application the same, just from a different stance, or is it uniquely applied in each style respectively?
