Anyone here want to discuss why the whole "real vs. fake" thing seems to only exist in the martial arts? Is it simply to discredit the other guy or school? In my opinion and experience, if you put in the time and sweat, your skill is real no matter what art you study. For example, a roundhouse kick under Tiger Schulman's karate is the same as that under Kyokushin Karate.

I think that this debate makes martial artists sound like fools.

For instance, you never hear some guy who wants to study boxing say: "I want to learn "real, authentic boxing" at a "real gym," from a "real" instructor with an authentic lineage".

If I wanted to learn how to play basketball, I wouldn't ask around for a coach that could teach me the real thing.

I think that in the martial arts, especially TCMA, where the history of our arts (how they were used and developed, etc.) is pretty obscure and embellished by legend, we should drop these silly arguements.