I would like to extend a warm invite to all my martial brothers and sisters living in Europe. I will be visiting Germany in the end of May, and Jochen Wolfgram Laoshi has gracious enough to host myself for a weekend seminar.
We will have a set date within a week (it will either be May 21-22, or May 28-29), and I will be teaching fighting theory and applications from the Meihua (Plum Blossom) and Liuhe (Six Harmonies) Northern Praying Mantis. This weekend seminar will be open to all ranks, styles, and levels. I will have all the final info shortly. Those in Germany can contact Mr. Wolfgram via this information:
Location: School is: Bai Lung, School for Martial Arts. Town: 49088 Osnabrueck, Baumstr. 12. State: Niedersachsen, Germany.
Address normally written down:
Bai Lung, Privatschule für Kampfkunst (school for Martial Arts)
Baumstr. 12
49088 Osnabrueck
Niedersachsen, Germany
Tel.: 0541/9989436

Those in the U.S. can contact me for more info. I hope to meet many of my European Mantis brothers. I look forward to this wonderful opportunity to share knowledge with those across the pond!

Mr. Jake Burroughs