I have a plan from here on out. I'm kicking in the second Phase of Project Uber-Red.
Last spring I did the same thing, started working out really hard, I wanted to drop a few pounds, and make some goals with pullups and some other various things. I met most of my goals so this year I'm going to shoot for the rest and add a few more.
I'd like to get down to about 175 but I'm not sure my muscle mass will allow it.
I'd like to be able to pump out 3 different sets of pullups in about 4 minutes time.
Planche pushups by the end of summer, say Oct. 1st.

To begin with, and get me back into the mode of things, I'll be doing more endurance based body weight workouts. Scrappers workout a couple of times a week. Running/nordic track a couple of times a week. Class 2-3 times a week. I'll toss in about 2-3 days of weights but since I'm limited there, it will be mostly for arms and probably back.