
Missed sparring out at Jerry's. Got caught on the 110 and missed the 5. No chance of making it by the time I turned around.

Came home, decided to start with the plyos again.

HFL' Explosive Power'
Rhythm Skips 2x40m
Ankle bounces 2x15
High Knee runs 2x20m
Butt kicks 2 x20m
Rhythm Bounds 2x20m
2 Leg Power Hops 2x10
Power Skips 2x 20m
Plyo pushups off knees 3x8
Twist tosses 2x10

Long Pole raise/lower 15 reps/side between sets
Section 2 armbar defense 20reps between exercises 1-7
Chicken wing defense between last two

Watched Parisi Speed School Agility DVD prior to workout. Directions changes on section 2 relevant. Essentially, squat under as in a snatch or snatch drop, into deceleration position, use plyo from braking to drive into other leg, use drive into other leg + weight drop to bounce back in

Long pole raise lower- sumo DL sort of rack pull position to squat under in snatch


Good workout.


In the strictest sense I don't know how much martial benefit one gets out of SNT. Free motion according to those principles may be more useful, or breaking pieces out and working them, for pure martial benefit. Even so, it makes for an excellent refresher, jumping off point, or consolidator (i.e. this is what I've been working on, need to work on, just worked on). for a workout.
