
I hope you don't mind and if I am breaking any forum protocols I apologies but this is an important notice and is a recognition of someone that has worked extremely hard.

I would like to acknowledge one of my students, he being the first of my students to reach a standard of instructorship that deserves, IMHO, the title of Sifu.

Charles underwent an arduous testing procedure, this recognition the culmination of many years of hard training. He is an outstanding exponent of Ving Tsun, and importantly, because he may choose to teach, is an honest and honourable man.

Charles was examined and found to be competent in:
1. Forms theory, performance and application.
2. Chi Sau theory, performance and application.
3. Footwork theory, performance and application.
4. Mook Jong theory, performance and application.
5. Weapon theory, performance and application.
6. Combat theory and application.
7. Physiology and Anatomy.
8. Exercise and conditioning theory and prescription.
9. Teaching theories and methodologies.

Charles is his own man and has his own expression of Ving Tsun. His has a logical mind and does not and never has romanticised the martial art. He has ample real fighting experience to call upon when discussing the application of Ving Tsun. He constantly tests, challenges and refines that which he experiences always seeking relevance and realism. Charles has become a martial artist who I respect and have learnt much from.

Well done Charles.

Regards and best wishes Andrew W.