List Members,

One of the things that have been a focus of my research and training these last few years is something called Body Alarm Reaction (BAR for short). Basically, BAR is the predictable physical reactions that occur to a human when placed under stress. BAR is the first stage of what Dr. Hans Seyle coined the General Adaptation Syndrome. The longer a person is exposed to stress there are a predictable series of physical reactions that occur. The first stage is BAR and as a martial artist, it is the one that is most important.

Why? Because we are predictable to some degree when it comes to the unconscious physical reactions that occur in us (and our opponent) during a street encounter. Knowing these predictable reactions make us aware of them and allows us to address our training to account for many of them. We can use the model of Body Alarm Reaction to predict the effects of stress on our ability to defend ourselves. At a higher level it allows us to use this knowledge against our opponent as well..... but that is another thread or two in itself.

Anyway, here is a list of predictable physical reactions that occur during BAR.
Take a look and see if you have ever experienced any of them in a violent encounter.

1. Increase in Blood Pressure
2. Increase in Heart Rate
3. Increase in Respiratory Rate
4. Decrease in blood flow to digestive track
5. Decrease in blood flow to liver and kidneys
6. Clotting factors increase in bloodstream
7. Decrease of blood flow to skin
8. Increase in mental alertness
9. Tunnel vision
10. Tunnel hearing
11. Altered state of time (events seem to occur in slow motion)
12. General tightening of the muscle system
13. Decrease in manual dexterity
14. Bladder and bowel can empty

Please review the list and see if you recognize any that you may have experienced. Granted, you might not have realized any of 1 thru 7 occured, but you may have experienced some of the others. I'm in the process of writing an article on this subject and would appreciate any feedback. If you are hesitant to post to the list contact me privately.

I have an entire section in my book, The Western Bubishi, that is devoted to BAR. The book is available on MartialArtsMart.

Here are some links to some online articles on the subject.

Your in the arts,