I would sincerely like to apologize to all the people that i have offended here regarding the "Woman Killed in Boxing match" Thread.

It was not my wish nor my intention to upset or offend anyone by my comments. In trying to explain myself in a way that i thought would put it out of peoples minds that i was or am "sexist" i kept putting myself in a deeper hole and as a result getting wrapped up in the insults and attacks thrown at me.

for this i Truly apologize to all of you,,especially to Ming yue and becca and Red5 and fatherdog and Merry Prankster.

I should have stated at the very beginning of the thread that i feel this way about Men in these boxing matches and Ufc and reality fighting events(as some here will remember that i do not like those kinds of tournaments for i feel they are a waste of energy and time).

i have been around and even helped to train at one time,women who have suffered sexual and physical abuse at the hands of their boyfriends,ex-husbands,and parents. And because i come from an abused child background i find it difficult to watch people willingly get themselves in to brutal situations where they are being hurt in the manner of these boxing matches and in the reality style combat arenas. i have always felt that Martial arts was for survival and to use as a last resort,,yes we train and spar and go through countless patterns of trial and error when perfecting self defense techniques and we get hurt in the process(this is a reality that i accept in the school,kwoon,dojo setting)

I have been talking to several friends of mine,,both female and male about this thread and i have been getting objective and also harsh opinions based on the things i have written,,,,and i had to sit back and re-look at my initial postings and see where it is that i failed in my attempts to put forth my points.
again for this i apologize,,,i feel bad about this. it is bad enough that i am coming from a martial background that few here respect but i do not want to put forth the notion that i am this raging sexist male chauvanist,,,for i truly am not,,,,i just put it forth that way not realizing that it would be interpreted this way.

i am not perfect and i dont profess to know it all,,,i have my opinions as do we all.
but i accept the responsability for my insensitive comments and i hope that i will be forgiven for them.
