my buddy is a good party driver... even though the both of us are always drunk in the car we never crashed. i just have to help him finding the car.
So let me get this straight Xebs. You're freind is retarded enough to think he's ok to drive drunk, and you are retarded enough to not only let him drive drunk, but get in the car when he does it? Two things:

1 - Don't ever go on a tirade about life, how hard it is or how much the war sucks or how much you care about life and freedom again. Getting in a car while intoxcitaed is one of the more throughtless and selfish ways to endanger life that I can think of.

2 - My respect for you has gone waaaaaaaaaaay down. You're college kid attitude about life and the world get's annoying at times but you can also be entertaining, and you obviously have good taste in music, but driving drunk, that's just plain stupid.