Quote Originally Posted by scholar
Well, I've known Taisihing for years. He is very conservative, he doesn't allow shorts, or sandals (or baseball hats or gum chewing), for training. At intermediate level almost everyone has the club's shirts. Also, you must never have trained in disciple's classes if you've never seen the martial. PM me if you want to know who I am.

Really, I was there for three weeks. Seen lots of shorts and sandals. I stopped going because I didn't see anything that was remotely martial. A lot of form work, little martial content (and bad chin-na) Yes, I didn't attend a disciple class that was for disciples (close door stuff…always leaves me suspicious…) But that’s who was mainly wearing the shorts and sandals as I was leaving. Usually people changed before entering the church gym. Given the lack of mats, and sparring equipment I thought it was best to move on. I'ts not like I don't know what I'm looking for.

I’m trying to be fare… I’m just reporting what I experienced and not trying to slander anyone.

Maybe if someone gets deeper into it the training it picks up? Is that what your saying?