Quote Originally Posted by shirkers1
When thinking about Mantis fighting theory, regarding whatever your family or style is how is this skill applied and taught? Is it just something that was passed down from teacher to student? Or is it something that you personally have tried and true tested out for your self to see if you can actually execute the theories to all facets of your skills? What ever the theories of your style are in general, how have you applied them in a fighting situation?

Now I pass on what I know, I will explain that I’ve seen or heard it done this way and that is fine if you can do it. But I’ve only been successful with this. Or I’ve never actually used this outside of class. I bring this up from the 36 throws thread and the things said there regarding Single tactic fight ending blows. Aside from actual mantis fighting tactics, how are your tactics applied in combat?

This mindset was in my training from the beginning and from what I’m hearing I wonder if anyone else is doing the same or even have the same mind set. If not, why not? The ability to free fight and not be stuck in the rut of thinking out your fight is essential. I say this from experience in the ring and on the street. From first hand knowledge to seeing it, what you “think” is going to happen 9 times out of 10 isn’t going to happen so you better not get caught up in thinking that way. What happens when you get stumped? You get tunnel vision, you get flustered and start thinking “what am I going to do next” and “why did it happen like this” When you should be reacting in a positive way. These are the negative things that will eat you up in a confrontation, and further your chances of a losing battle.

Physical, mental, emotional control, the ability to keep these things in check will help you execute your tactics efficiently. Someone thinking about anything other than keeping control of these things will lead to openings for your opponent. This will start the downward spiral of physical, mental, and emotional control in the conflict and this is the beginning of the end for the fight. If you train right then your tactics will flow freely without having to think of what needs to be applied. This should be the goal of any fighter.
cool sounds like kick boxing to me.