Last week I saw the clip of the actual fight that took place in the fifties between two supposed martail artists. And to be honest I was shocked. As the Wu Stylist was no other than the "Gatekeeper" of the Wu Family system: Wu Kung Yi (son of Wu Chien Chuan). Witness where top masters such as Yip Man (Wing Chun), Tung Ying Jie and Yang Shen Duo.

The actual fight was pityful. Whatever you all may write about sticking energy, Fa jing, chin na etc, etc, this was not at all demonstrated by Wu. If this was a top master, how will his student look like?

Reading the stories about that fight, narrated by the Wu-family, it seems that they are even proud of it. The Grand Master against a youngster (white crane style, not even a top disciple of his own teacher!): from all the legendary stories about the martial abilities of the old masters, I really had expected something better!

Reading the stories about greats as Sun Lu Tang, Chen Fa Ke, Chang Ching Ling and of course Yang Cheng Fu, who, by touching his cotton hand would have an opponent fly five meters through the sky, I can only conclude three things:

1) Either these stories are simply untrue (or in best case highly exaggerated).
2) Either Wu Kung Yi was a fraud.
3) Either I am really stupid and have no understanding of what a tai chi chuan genius looks like.

Wherever I look on the internet, no where a negative comment on the match can be found. How would the public have reacted (2000 witnesses)? What would the witnessing top masters have thought?

What do you all think?