Quote Originally Posted by shirkers1
I agree that you can't go into a boxing ring and do this stuff, which is why I quit boxing... The point of bringing up boxing is that the way they "TRAIN". They spar and fight, they just don't hit a bag or shadow box.

I put up a perfect example of a "kung fu" guy (I use that term with hesitation) stepped into a rage in the cage match that I just saw friday night and couldn't do a single thing against a not so good oponent. Yes there are limitations but you can at least strike someone any where you want pretty much, and he couldn't even do that!!!! Why? Because he froze in the heat of battle and just laid there why the other guy SLAPPED him into submition!!!

My X roommate was learning iron palm and wing chun from a book.... I use to try to get him to train with me all the time and tried to guide him from doing what he was doing. I told him the same things that are being said here but he would have none of it. But he was just out there and wouldn't listen.... Well after disrespecting me many times, and just some screwy issues with my house, money, personal things we came to a head and I confronted him on these things and he wanted to fight me. He was training on his own and was ready for me.... So I took him up on his offer, sadly he tried his "mighty palm" tactics that he learned from his book. Well that didn't help him much when he couldn't hit me and his head was bouncing off of the tile floor and it sure didn't help him much when I dragged him outside by his underwear and hair and threw him into the cactus in my front yard.
there're still rules in the cage match. It's not like you can kick someone in the nuts. In self defence - you would use eyes, throat, ball that sota striking pattern. Of course you can't learn iron palm from a book. LOL