not to digress, but i feel i must. i do believe in past lives, but isn't it amazing how everyone seems to have been something cool? no one ever seems to have been a **** house washer, or anything else unpleasant. the one time i have had a "past lives reading" was fun, but i don't feel worth the breath it took to tell me the story. now it was fine storytelling believe you me. i commend the practitioner on her ability, but i feel the actual skill or ability required to derive these types of facts is rare and hard to find.

i usually try to give no outward info for the person to work with so i can actually see where the info is coming from. for example, as soon as we started the session she said i was wild and adventurous. first of all, i am about as vanilla as they come, but i looked down at my feet and realized i had brought my motorcycle helmet in and laid it down by the chair. unfortunately my girlfriend chose this time to speak up and say "oh yeah, he does all that kung fu meditation stuff..." lol, thanks a lot. Anyways, the lightbulb that went on over my clairevoyant's head and the look of triumph as to having hit on something was almost comical. All the sudden i was a monk of one stripe or another all the way back to lemuria. from there i was a french ballerina, a missionary in south america swinging from vines like tarzan, and a few others. no shopkeepers, no street sweepers, and no stable boys. thankfully though, she didn't go the royalty route either.

now, as i stated at the beginning of this rant, i do believe in past lives, and i believe we as humans can build the ability to look into the psyche and past of another. i just believe it is hard to find anyone credible. we have a huge "new age" community here in san diego, but i haven't heard of anyone with true ability. the few other experiences i have had with the "psychic" community seems to be just an older form of psycho-therapy with a mystical turn to it.

that being said, if ya'll know anyone in san diego let me know how to contact them and i'll give it another shot.


I love the smell of iron palm in the morning, it smells like.... victory