When young people start to irritate you.

When "longer than you've been alive" ends most of your comebacks.

When you think to yourself, "Geez , was I that stupid?."

When some YDFOC teenager does it for 3 hours and calls it a "quicky". (OK thats just age envy, that won't last anyway, Mwhahahaha.)

When ten years ago you were still an older adult, doing the same thing, and they weren't.

When you wake up 20 minutes before your body does.

When people don't realize that computers, touchtone phones , color television, the internet, expensive gas, camcorders, and many other things didn't exist or wasn't available when I was born.

When your first thought after doing something cool that impresses people is, "I still got it."

Or worse when they say, "Wow!, You still got it." Oh lord............

Whe you sing out, "here I come to save the day!!!!" and people DON'T know where that comes from.