Yeah man, 16-second delay is NUTS! I don't even know if I could make it sound cool, I just want it for the nerd value. I love my E-Bow too. You can make wicked noises with it. One of my favorite things to do is: e-bow to guitar to stereo delay; clean signal to chorus to amp#1; delayed signal to harmonist (triple output:+octave,-octave,clean) to phaser to amp#2. Set the delay at something formidable... you start playing and you get first just that single thick note from the chorused e-bow, and then after a couple seconds when the delay kicks in, the harmonist+phaser makes this huge wall of sound that fills it out. Then if you slide up, the wall of sound will follow you after a few seconds of hesitation. VERY cool if you're into obscure noises. :) You can set the harmonist to what key you're playing in and make it raise or lower the added two channels by fifths or seconds or whatever too.

I saw the Ghandarvas play once and the guitarist had a six string e-bow. *drool*

Sam - you bet I'm talking about Aenima! One of my favorite albums. You know they've got a new one coming out? It had better be incredible. "Forty-six and 2" is the "stepping through my shadow/coming out the other side" one; song #5. "Eulogy" is song #2. I'd go for the delay if they got it in, I already have 3 delays though. :) I'm a delay nut. You're absolutely right about the delay filling out your sound, you can sound like a whole band if you do it right. I use alot of octaves droning with the key I'm playing in or it's fifth too, and alot of chorus/reverb/phase effects... so you can bet it's a big beefy sound I'm after.

I can tab out some of the songs if you want. Which ones are you interested in? The bass parts or the guitar parts?