Ok, this is the problem:

I was an indoor disciple of my sifu( I'll hold his name to myself). The thing is that I recieved private instruction for a long time. When I was going to be certified as instructor(the only certificate he gives is this one) he wanted to talk to me about a "tuition" I had to pay so i could teach his "patented" system. The sum he was asking was jus crazy. Also he wanted me to give him the biggest percent of the income of the school he wanted me to start, just to be under his name. I was so disapointed with this "all profit" attitude he all of the sudden showed. The thing is that my private classes were incredibly expensive. I couldn't understand how he was asking for more money now, something that he never mentioned when I started training. Also he wanted me to have the exact spiritual beliefs that he had. If I showed any contradictory belief to his he would be mad at me. I would have never imagined that he would do such a thing. We ended the relationship and the training in really bad terms. The thing is that after all that training I didn't get my "instructor" certification. And now to start my own school or club is such a pain in the....... I tried to make an aplication to join other organizations by long distance but they wanted me to learn all the curriculum they had from the beginning, also I had to pay for the tapes and stuff wich was going to take me a couple of years more. I even tried it but they would fail in sending me the material at the right time because they were to busy and stuff. What you guys recommend. Please be helpful and not make a joke about this thread.
