Hey you guys

First to guess who is I gets a free hump from behind
I'm back for the workout thing, mostly. for the most part

Sup you guys,
Here is the deal - I have to lose fat and put on some muscle before October
Why? Wimmin (yes, wimmin, not wimmins)

Curretly I'm at my normal half-assed shape as usual
6 feet 2 inches, 230lbs

Plan of workout (Beta version, unconfirmed)

1) Pre-Adaptation: prior to getting to a gym (I can only get to one 2 weeks from now)
- Running? Walking? Biking? How much? How hard?
- Bodyweight exercise: pushups, squats, abs. Question: What is a good biceps bodyweight exercise?

2) Adaptaion
Getting on the gym there will be huge pains to withstand my ideas
3 times a week weight lifting hard * (se down there for questions on this)
2 times a week MT **

3) Blissful evolution
Losing a good part of the fat
Gaining a good part of the muscles
Looking good for the wimmin

* if i lift for hypertrophy and muslce gain, will i also lose fat? how do i control the amount of food i eat so that i gain muscle and dont gain fat along with it?

** will it be good for the fat loss? will it damage the muscle gain from the other days? Any tips on withstanding the pain of the first, say, 3 weeks or so?

Thanks guys
and girls
and the furry animals
and the mosquitos too
and roaches