After 8-9 years of Kenpo Karate with fall-out techniques and predetermined attack-defense senarios...cookie cutter senarios...and where it all breaks down and doesn't work in sparring situations...

After 1.5 years of another martial art with similar conditioning...

What is it with Wing Chun that is now enabling me to defend myself? I'm really curious? Is it the Chess-like game of Chi Sao? Is it the drills that we do where your opponent stands 12 inches from your face and throws a random attack? Is it the system in it's entirety?

I'm just really intrigued with what is going on in my head. After 11 years of other martial arts, I never really had gained confidence in myself and my abilities. I was never able to stop as many hits in a random environment as now, and it really blows my mind. Friends and acquaintances can no longer get that "fun" shot in. My Wing Chun is always on.

Maybe others out there have had the same experience or something similar. Please share and give your opinion as to what you believe is the cause of your results!

Kenton Sefcik