word everyone,, just a little thought i should share..
Last Thursday, at my class, we did some sparring. ok, all is well,,, gloves are on, gum shield in, etc etc.
Sifu tells us to do the front punch/half chain punch/ jab (wing chun jab if you like).
so here i am, just trading a few air punches with these dudes (one after the other, not at the same time) and BANG. a jab gets through,,,, but not once,, about 8 times infact,,,,and that;s just one of the dudes there. What worried me was that everyone i was jabbing in the **** face, were all higher up than me in Wing Chun, with at least 1 or 2 grades above me..
so my message is this,,, if you don't already spar at your wing chun class, DO IT. because it was worrying to see how many people can do form and technique to the F and T, but can;t block series of punches or move around in a sparring fashion,, so if it is not part of your wing chun class yeat, tell your Sifu to do it a.s.a.f.p. because if you're not sparring then you're not thinking of how to use your wing chun in a fighting situation, where series or punches are thrown. One hit wonder, ''Pub Slugger'' punches, aren't the only style fights you will get in, fo' sure.
So SPAR SPAR SPAR, and do it regularly, because it is fun, and you learn faster once you get hit, and you use your wing chun skills while doing it,, so do it!
the hza

http://www.kamonwingchun.com is the club i belong to, to train wing chun,, check it out...