I have been practicing Hung SIng Choy Lee Fut now for 24-25 years. No, i wasn't always at the school practicing, but when a foster home took me too far to return to practice regularly i practiced what i knew on my own, but have been under Sifu Salvatera now for 2 and a half decades. and most of the time i practiced every single day 7 days a week in or out of the school. I learned and kept many of my sifu's very hardcore training and applications and pass that on to my students to keep up the tradition of when i first started learning. basically i have taken it back to the old school with modern-day approach.

Now, let me preface this by saying that within my sifu's school we will only get the elephant if we deserve it. thats just how it is, nothing will change that. i actually like it that way because it serves as motivation. The Elephant and its usage has always been around my school but if you have never learned it you were forbidden to ever imitate, steal, or use the elephant fist or techniques, and sometimes even talk about it. it is a treasured form within our branch.

I spoke with my sifu just now and i have been authorized to speak about this subject. its just that i will never be able to demonstrate its techniques. However certain strikes are already floating around out there. Personally i have been practicing the Mon Jerng a little more than 10 years now. i first learned the usage by having it done on me by my sifu. so at first i got the "Essence" of it, and that took some time to perfect. when i learned the form that just basically opened up a whole new world for me. but truthfully, i prefer practicing the usage of the Mon Jerng over the form. still, it is such a powerful method, as i have said, even demolishing. I used it on one of my students the other day ( a very simple technique) and the next morning his arm was pretty bruised up. I only struck his arms cuz i didn't want to hurt him.

so from this point, i will try to answer any questions i can.
