Well, it took me a while to get Nelson convinced to carry the fans at all. Then getting him to carry two sizes was a discussion.

He is very open to trying to meet the needs of his customer base.

I suspect the appeal of a fan just like his bamboo ones - same lengths available - but no figures or writing on them - is limited.

It is my understanding that the factories he uses in China WILL do special requests but there is a minimum order type of thing - and I think he just doesn't have a projected volume on a metal one to make it affordable for him or us.

I know that a few years back, NO ONE carried the Yang style Taiji Saber. In fact, very few people had actually seen one. I had one but it was too short, poorly balanced, and of questionable "combat steel".

I showed it to Nelson and then told him about folks like Yang Zhenduo doing seminars now on Yang Taijidao and - well it took him about 18 months, but he now carries the weapon... I bought one from his first shipment.

All our martial arts vendors should aim at that level of responsiveness