well, that's too far to travel on the chance that someone may or may not show up.

dude, issuing challenges on a forum made up of people from all over the world, many of whom do not have the ways and means of getting to you is, well, just a bit silly.

If you are really that incensed, set yourself up to get into a tournament of san shou, or nhb or ufc and take it from there.

If you win you can say " I won by using traditional chinese martial arts, so there nyah nyah and so on".

Also, it is general protocol that chllenger goes to the challenged, not the other way around, unless you have a school in which case you can have an open challenge policy for anyone to come and try their stuff vs your stuff.

if you're not prepared to do either of the two things I've mentioned which are fairly generic and acceptable ways of going about it, then you are simply not for real and you can talk all you want. You're just moving air otherwise.

Good luck on your endeavour.