My nieghbor just lost a domestic violence case against her ex. he's getting out of jail sometime next week so she up and left the state this weekend. She left me her dog, but I am SERIOUSLY allergic to it.

Right now he is still in her empty apartment, and I am taking care of him, but her rent is only paid untill the 31st.

I need help placeing him somewhere ASAP! or he's going to the humane society. He's a bit nippy, difficult at first and needs a bit of time to warm up to people. The humane society already told me he would probably be put to sleep because of that. They only adopt out dogs who are freindly at first contact. Once hes warmed up though, he is very freindly and loveable!

I need help here, does anyone know of someone, or would be willing to take him??

He is a 4 year old American Escimoe. He's a pure bred, but she does not know where the papers are (I'm sure AKC or whatever would have the copies)

He's a horribl guard dog, but a great burgler alarm.

Any help would be GREATLY appeicated.