also, with discs and MRI's - at least 10 years ago (Dec 95 Spine, I believe) there were studies showing that the symptomatic population and aymmtomatic po had almost the same incidence of "positive" discs on MRI -

Exactly - that is why I posted the link to the treatment. The point being, I know if I went into a MD, stated my symptoms, and then did the usual screening, he or she would find enough bulges to assume that's the problem and then it would be off for "shake and bake" PT - heat packs, interferential stem to the lumbar, massage and hand out exercises. I do the Sun Exercise every morning so I get my Mckenzie fix in and pretend I'm squeezing the nucleus polpous back where it belongs.
Good advice on breathing and kicking.... that is not the type of kick I do but it applys all the same. I have a whole compensation pattern set up from previous injuries to the back and that is what is frustrating me - It is very difficult to deconstruct your movement pattern to re-organize it again.
It seems I have a tendency to look at myself regionally and I'm certainly seeing the pitfalls of training on your own with no corrections being made on "bad habits" until they're ingrained.
Part of the reason I'm seeing the Chen Style Tiji teacher; to learn how to breath. I know it's one of my big problems.
Thanks for the input, it is very much appreciated!