So I'm trying this new pullup routine. The idea is to increase your max reps of pullups over time by doing small managable sets. For example, my max reps of pullups is 6. I'd like for that to be 10 or better yet, 20. So here is a link to the article on increasing your reps:

And here's my routine:
8/22/05 thru 9/4/05 - 2 sets of 3 pull ups a day
9/5/05 thru 9/18/05 - 2 sets of 4 pull ups a day
9/19/05 thru 10/2/05 - 2 sets of 5 pull ups a day
6 week max pull up test
10/3/05 thru 10/16/05 - 2 sets of 5 pull ups a day
10/17/05 thru 10/30/05 - 2 sets of 6 pull ups a day
10/31/05 thru 11/13/05 - 2 sets of 7 pull ups a day
6 week max pull up test
11/14/05 thru 11/27/05 - 2 sets of 7 pull ups a day
11/28/05 thru 12/11/05 - 2 sets of 8 pull ups a day
12/12/05 thru 12/25/05 - 2 sets of 9 pull ups a day
6 week max pull up test

So, hopefully by New Year I'll be at about 15 max reps.