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Thread: Katrina devastated the south, gas 6 $ a gallon

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  1. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Seattle, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by TaiChiBob

    This nation needs leadership that has the vision of unity and prosperity for its people, rather than perpetuating more cogs for the machine.. the machine will reorganize itself in a more productive and efficient manner if given the opportunity.. but, it is constantly maintained as an out-dated model..

    "When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary...."

    Be well..
    there are several very good reasons for having cogs. firstly, it insulates sectors of government. second, it increases government expenditures thereby strengthening the economy.

    efficient government models leads to more poverty. there are ms econ theses on this.

    the protocols may need to be altered. when has there been an event like this on this scale to deal with? there will probably be some reworking of protocols for FEMA and governors' interactions as well as administrative rectification in whatever type of document Louisiana administrational proceeding is derived. but there are also cultural concerns about time which may have played a part: in louisiana when you say "i'll give you 24 hours for you to respond" means to louisiana people, "tell me your decision tomorow", not "don't make me ask you tomorow", or "you have until tomorow to tell me but i want it as soon as you can".

    the governor was not prepared to deal with this problem. her people were not either. I may be innorrect, but i thought the government of Louisiana was essentially fuedal. meaning that the local parrishes had to contact a regional representative before requests could be made to the governor and that it would be inappropriate to jump the order or mobilize where it was not neccessary. the parrishes would have to report thier damages before the governor could respond with aid. this also affects the speed at which the national gaurd and reserves may be called up: these are two organisationally different bodies in terms of who can request thier assitance.
    Last edited by YuanZhideDiZhen; 09-05-2005 at 02:12 PM.

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