This is directed to all the "Internet Blackbelts" and "Online Champions" on this forum.
"One on one tip-toe cannot stand,
One astride cannot walk,
One who displays himself does not shine,
One who justifies himself has no glory,
One who boasts of his own ability has no merit,
One who parades in his own success will not endure,
In Tao these things are called "unwanted food an extraneous growths" Which are loathed by all things. thus a man od Tao does not set his heart upon them."
This is an excerpt from Lao Tzu's Tao teh ching.
this passage mkes me think of some of the people in this forum who are constanly braging of the "Expertice or training time/ability in the MA".
As someone once asked me "do you have anything to contribute to this forum besides quotes from acient litereture?" I would hope that I can bring a new outlook to this forum, to see what the true meaning of Matial arts is.
For me martial arts is no longer a perfection of physical skill but a search for inner peace,oneness of being and serenity.

Just a little something to think about.

Then again what do I know...
