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Thread: Chan Heung vs. Jeung Yim?

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    Chan Heung vs. Jeung Yim?

    Even though I have taken my martial arts to another level I still very much love my Choy Lee Fut, it is a shame to see such bickering concerning history. Personally I think both factions have something great to add to the picture as a whole. And i'll say this concerning my classmate Frank, his convictions are strong as anyone who has been following these forums can attest, but looking at it from a broader scope, remember the saying "believe half of what you see, and nothing that you hear", there is so much truth to that statement, I believe if we were able to wake Chan Heung and Jeung Yim from their graves they probably wouldn't recognize what we're doing today. Choy Lee Fut is a great art no one can find fault there, I believe Chan Heung started the ball rolling and others after him took the thing to higher ground where now the shining light is shared by all yet recognizing the source. It is much like Shaolin Temple, and the many offshoots from there but respect is given to the source even though many have injected their thoughts experiences etc, into the training, yet still giving respect to the source, for example, many styles were developed outside the temple walls yet because the foundation and source was shaolin respect was given as shaolin this or that. There is too much going on in the world to spend so much time on something that truly has no value to outside camps, it's not important for me to share the history of the eight immortals style to anyone not learning the system, those that are learning this style will learn the history and so then the history will live on through its learners, and no I don't need to push it out for acceptance to anyone not learning it because they can probably care less. In terms of choy lee fut regardless of faction I believe if you pass your history to your students your story will be told and lives on through its learners by far I think this is the best way. My friend Chiu Siu Kay said it the best I think, when he said because of Chan Family, Hung Sing, Buk Sing or anything else out there lurking because of divisions their will never be true unity. I was looking at a Tae Kwon Do association, they have all sort of programs for its learners not just in the area of martial arts but in general they couldn't do things like this if there was no unity, imagine a unified Choy lee Fut union with no division, one that works to promote choy lee fut as a single unit. There are enough learners of this kung fu to do many great things but the potential is low because of divisions, remember united we stand, divided we fall.
    Last edited by Troy Dunwood; 09-25-2005 at 10:47 PM.
    May The Spirit Of Chinese Kung Fu Be With You!

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