This quote seemed interesting to me:
"Modern Day Chung Yen Martial Arts
Current Chung Yen Shaolin Grandmaster, Hiang Kwang Thè, (1948- ) was born in Bandung, Indonesia and began his martial arts training at age 8. Master Thè was taught by several masters who studied at the Shaolin Temples in China including his maternal grandfather, Ie Chang Ming.

Grandmaster Ie trained Master Thè in several internal systems, awarding him with special recognition medallions for his internal training, including the name "Liu Fo Su" or "6th Sense Warrior." From Master Liu Su Peng, Master Thè learned the entire 18 form Tai Peng or "Great Bird" fighting system including earning special medallions for developing the Bird system forms into actual fighting applications."

Sooo... the Tai Peng style was not originally for fighting?