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Thread: Wushu in 2008 Olympic

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  1. #20
    Join Date
    May 2003
    My thoughts....

    WuShu and traditional kung fu are not exactly the same.... the former is based on the latter. In China, we have a saying about wushu (yao tsee sai mo sut tsai - Cantonese pronunciation, meaning "have style, no realism"). Generally, traditionalists believe that WuShu has no real substance and that those stylists don't go through the very robust, intense foundation training (horse stance, etc.) that traditionalists go through. Hence, it is believed by traditionlists that WuShu'ists would not be able to execute the effectiveness nor the power expected of the particular kung fu style in question. In fact, you will frequently see traditionlists balk when they see contemporary wushu stylists in their routines, especially when performing something that was taken / originated from a part of that person's traditional kung fu forms.

    Secondly, WuShu competition these days are made up of compulsory routines that all competitors have to go through, be the routines Taichi (eg, Chen 56) or contemporary WuShu. These routines are taken from traditional forms and emphasis is on athleticism, action, level of difficulty, etc. Just as an example, compare Chen 56 to the traditional Chen forms... you will see in the former parts taken from Chen Old Style routines 1 and 2 (Pao Chui)... but you don't see as much intense silk reeling, etc. etc. etc.

    Thirdly, traditional kung fu masters in China will almost always follow their traditions and pass on their style traditionally.... not everyone in China is in favor of contemporary WuShu. So, I think the chance is slim if any that the traditional styles will be threatened by contemporary WuShu.
    Last edited by ntc; 10-28-2005 at 09:30 AM.
    The more you know, the more you find you don't know...

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