just had another fight call for my film this week(shouts to shaolin lueb for coming through) anyway while i was on my way there i was watching the wong kar wai flick 2046 it was interesting,but you could see where not having a full script hurts the story. i think the actress's body language was to much in some of the scene's, it reminded me of the old may west films. but other then that a good film, i could totally relate with tony luengs character as i'm sure all writer/artist can. we're all the same ****** when comes to the opposite sex, unless you're married then you're just doomed so screw you(hahaha). anyway i also picked up seven swords it's on vcd so i have to find some time when i have two hour and a half to kill so i can watch straight through, at least i have subs. okay later for now!!!!!