Hi Guys

I'm a newbie to Kung Fu and have only been training for 5 months. Another MA asked me if I called my teacher Sensei?

I said no and as it was Kung Fu it would be Sifu anyhow.

He then asked whether I called him Sifu and I answered no I call him by his Christian name.

A look of horror came on his face and he said I was/am deeply disrespecting my teacher.

Is this the case? I have never been told by my teacher to address him as Sifu and I have never been rebuked by him for using his Christian name. When other newcomers join I have never heard him ask them to call him Sifu either? Having not been instructed to do anything different I called him by his name as I would anybody else. As far as respect goes my teacher has it anyway as would any other human being.

Is there a problem here? None of the other more advanced students have made a point of telling me this. I would hate to think I'm disrespecting him in any way.

This guy I was talking to also said I should bow on entering and leaving the training hall. I haven't been taught this either.

Can you clear this one up for me guys as I'm enjoying my training and want to make sure I get the etiquette right.
