Quote Originally Posted by hellhound
I did time for a 2nd degree assualt with a deadly weapon and was housed with the violent criminals because of my violent crime (protected pregnant mother of my child, bad lawyer, now I am a father of 2 and a highly paid software engineer so even bad kids can grow up to be good adults if they try). That and 99% of my freinds and associates did a good amount of time there too. How come I have never heard of this. It must be a rather rare thing being that everyone I know including myself has spent time in the house of pain and never heard of it. It may exist but it is far from common and I don't think it's a matter of only teaching minorities they just don't teach country white boys. About the only thing we ever did was throw on the gloves and go for only body shots using boxing techniques. It is kind of like a ghetto past time. However this **** from the 40s has never crossed my well traveled eyes before. The fact that it is probably so **** old is the reason why I've never scene it. The only thing any of us had an interest in that was old was KF. I figure it is a waste of time being that every prisoner I met while there and not there didn't know it and I handled myself very well in the prison riot that occured (the 2 week lockdown in a cell with 2 other men as punishment was worse than the riot) without it and so did many other people. Sorry but this OG is going to have to go with the hype theory. In jail or in the ghetto it's more about the mind than the techniques. As long as you have that killer instinct you will survive prison and the ghetto very well. Not some jail house rock bull. Peace out!
Were you in jail in NYC? You seem sceptical which I can understand since you've never seen JHR. Maybe it's mostly a NYC thing. I personally have seen it and know many of my CO (correction officer) friends have seen it. I know it to be real. Like I said before It's common knowledge in the 'hoods' in NYC. I was first exposed to it in the 70's. Fight would start and guys would say break the four. Whc\ich is a hand position used sometimes. I lived in ENY, Brownsville, Bed Stuy, and Ft. Greene. Anyone here from B'klyn knows where these place are and know what type of neighborhoods they are. JHR is live and doing well in the 'hood'