I am interested in health and longevity for whatever reason,

So...I did some research on the lifespans of the founders / grandmasters / famous practitioners, etc...if you only care about fighting with people and dying young, this won't interest you. However, please look, read comment, contribute, etc. This is obviously not a scientific study, so please no-one get their hair in a knot. I am obviously lacking in all kinds of info - especially internal / Northern arts - so let's get this started and see where it goes - there must be some benefit to living a long, healthy, and productive life, even if the practioner doesn't engage in UFC competitions to "prove" how tough they are (Dragon motto; "It's not when you start to count, but when you finish - making the difference").

Sort of a "risk management" question - what would the insurance people rate you on based on the art you practice?

Dragon Style:

Lam Yiu Kwai (1876-1968); 93 years old
Chow Fook (1910-1999); 89 years old
Lam Woon Kwong (1902-1982); 80 years old

Average retirement age: 87.3 years old

Hung Gar:

Wong Fei Hung (1850-1933); 83
Lam Sai Wing (1861-1942); 81
Tang Fung (1874-1955); 80
Yuen Ling (1910-1967); 57

Average retirement age: 75.25

Choy Lee Fut:

Chan Heung (1806-1875); 69
Chan Goon Bak (1847-1920); 73
Lee Koon Hung (1943-1996); 53
Chan Yiu Chi (1888-1965); 77

Average retirement age: 68


Lum Tai Yong (Fut Gar) 1895-1957; 62
Lee Siong Pheow (Jook Lum) 1886-1960; 74
Dean Chin (Jow Gar) 1950-1985; 35
Yip Man (Wing Chun) 1895-1973; 78
Bruce Lee (Wing Chun) 1940-1973; 33
Wang Shu Chin (Pa Kua) 1905-1981; 76
Sun Lu Tang (Tai Chi) 1859-1933; 74
Yin Fu (Hsing-I, Ba Gua) 1840-1909; 69
Ueshiba Morihei (Aikido) 1883-1969; 86
Gichin Funakoshi (Shotokan) 1868-1957; 88
Chojun Miyagi (Goju) 1889-1953; 6

Looking forward to responses!