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Thread: WC vs. MMA link

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Oakland, CA
    One can use this statment just as well for every other martial style. Why don't you pose the same question to every other style purporting to teach a fighting style? Why don't you and your like make it your life's mission to validify other style's fighting effectiveness?
    To the first part of this question, I DO pose that question. I operate from two premises when I do this:

    1. Sportive combative events are the closest approximation of a real fight you can engage in legally, with reasonable measures to ensure fighter safety. In response to the inevitable "But the ring has rules and the street doesn't, and we train for no rules," my response is "No, you don't. Everybody trains with rules in place to protect them while training. What people always disagree on is what set of rules is 'more realistic' whatever that means.

    2. The second premise is that I presume everybody understands their limitations. I'm basically a sport grappler. I have limited striking training from boxing, but I don't pretend to be anything I'm not. I operate from the not too unrealistic expectations that others should know, understand, recognize and acknowledge their limitations as well. Everytime I hear a new white belt talk about "BJJ is the BEST, it's so technical, it's so perfect, after a few months, nothing will stop me (except a guy better at BJJ)" I just smile and nod. Everybody gets enamored of their style, but this is the wrong venue for faith (as applied to a skill set vs faith in yourself).

    To the second part, your comment is clearly supposed to be antagonistic. Who do you mean by "your like?" I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be negative. If you got your panties in a bunch because I stated a simple fact of logic (which, btw, I obviously apply to others), then I don't know what to tell you. What I expect, is that you are asking why people like me, who maybe insist that somebody back up their claim when they make it, don't run around ensuring that the claim is backed up. To that, I answer: I don't care, and it's not my responsibility. I couldn't care less what you do or don't do or can or can't accomplish. I could focus on that, but then I'd be doing that instead of learning my sport. Not a good return on my investment. It's not my responsibility because I'm not running around making a claim. I'm just saying that if you MAKE one, you should be able to provide evidence.

    My only point was simple: When somebody makes a claim, it is up to them to prove it, not up to the rest of us to disprove it. I'm not sure why that upsets you so much. I personally don't care what art anybody does. If they train well, they will be able to get results, within the confines of their personal attributes.

    I think there are a lot of reasons why WC guys might not compete in MMA type comps across the board, both honest good ones and others that are not so good (I call those excuses, vice reasons). I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head with your comment about the culture. I don't think there is a culture of competition there, and if there is, it's directed at other venues. Certainly COMPETING in such an event is NOT a requirement for excellent skill. However, such a venue IS a convenient, open and validated place to demonstrate skill, if you are trying to back up a claim.

    You should count on your common sense to avoid/get you out of these perdicaments.
    Amen. "Self-defense," "on the street," are functions of awareness. Actual FIGHTING skill is, IMO, very much a minor part of that. If you have to fight, you've failed the self-defense part.
    Last edited by Merryprankster; 02-25-2006 at 11:20 AM.
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