I'm curious what makes violence inherently bad?

Why is a punch in the face worse then lies behind the back?

Why does little johnny get suspended for a week for fighting on the playground where little susy cripples mary's life by constantly calling her fat go un-punished?

Is this remnants of our cultures Puritan background and it's fanatical hatred for anything physical?

Do all cultures percieve Violence this way?

Is violence something to be overcome on the path to enlightenment or is it merely a manifestation of another characteristic such as attachment or conflict?

Are we a pain fearing society? (Vicadon addicts unite!)

Does violence lead to suffering? and if it does, does that mean we are attached to our bodies since all suffering stems from that?

Is violence an aspect of human nature or rather an aspect of nature in all it's forms? (animal vs animal, Viruses vs cells, erosion vs rock)