I recently helped move my 86-year-old father in law into a retirement home, and to sell his house for him.

While going through the enormous amount of crap accumulated over his close to 50 years in the house, I found a little book entitled "Hit 'em hard! Ju-Jitsu", by a guy called Tommy Turner, who apparently used to instruct the cops and WWII infantry in H2H combat in the 30s and 40's.

The book looks to be at least 50 years old, and was sitting in his garage for at least 20. My FIL is one of the planet's laziest men, and my BIL is a navy veteran but a man whose principal hobby is drinking beer, so I have no idea how it came to be in their possession.

While sipping skim soy lattes with a bunch of my metrosexual Wing Chun dilletante friends in a local trendy cafe, I figured it might be an idea to share it with fellow internet warriors such as yourselves:


The images load a bit small but will zoom to legible size. Excuse the poor page design, but such aesthetics are not a passion of mine.

If you don't think this is WC related and shouldn't be on the forum, feel free to ignore it. If you wish to abuse me for it, remember I'd probably enjoy that.