Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo
My Showdown at the Cotton Mill has the old original subtitles, so sometimes are hard to read, but I can understand quite a bit or Mandarin (I lived in Taiwan for nearly 8 years), and also used to watch a lot of original-language kung fu movies back in the 80s in theaters, so understanding hard-to-read subtitled Mandarin films hasn't been a problem for me. I guess I hardly notice anymore...don't know of an English-dub version.

I saw a review that said the uk release has english dub, since I know about 1% of the cantonese language and can hardly tell the difference bwtween that and amndarin, I NEED good english subs. Or I can at least listen to the english dub once, and if it's decent I don't hav to strain my eyes the next time I watch it. It's a good thing though that rarescope put this in widescreen so only 5% of the subs get cutoff by the sides, so you are very lucky to know the language, cause this ****te really irks me

I don't own Secret Rivals 3, but saw it in the early 80s and have a good memory or the performers.

I won't give a review on this for a while. Every month or 2 I get on the net and buy 5-10 movies. I get a lot of those collections if I see something really good, but they usually suck cause they are so cheap. And SR 3 is by vid asia, so this time I went with RED SUN released avengiign eagle and mad monkey kung fu. I also got boxer's advebture and drive, which I haven't seen in a long time!!

I remember someone had avenging eagle as their favorite movie and have been looking for it for a while, but i will always suggest red sun if you can't get celestial. Celestail musyt have created them before they started releasing casue they only do shaw flicks, but there are plenty of thise. All 4 of their movies I have currently are letterboxed with crystal clear picture and I will definitely give monkey and eagle credit if they have all the goods, shaolin prince is the only red sun version I have that only has english dub, at least I can follow the plot

I only saw a few of the trailers that seemed interesting to me, but I suppose we'll have to see!

Watch closely for the sword fight in the rain, 3 constables and ninjas in ancient china, I think it was the last of cheng cheh. And yeah, it looks stupid, but it looks VERY unique which I always find cool