Due to Wing Chun training ceasing in my area I am left two options: travel about 35 miles to the next nearest class, or begin training in Filipino arts, as there is a fairly large school just down the road.

I love training in Wing Chun, and I feel it is something that, if I left, I would definitely come back to (I expect to move in about 3 and a half years, to a place where wing chun is plentiful, so will definitely take it up) as I have only scratched the surface (about 1.5 years training).

A seventy mile round trip is a long way to go, especially if I want to start training twice a week. I have always fancied the Escrima, so I am going to go down there and give it a shot tomorrow evening. I guess if it is no good I will go seek out the wing chun.

But just wandering, anyone else gone Filipino? Or cross trains in it to complement wing chun,

Are there any comments on the empty hand system, how it compares to wing chun?

