read the whole article...

It isn't a clean fit into the Cult box.

I know that I'd prefere to not have to rely on anyone for anything, but that doesn't make it so.

I don't have high regard for any religous group, so why should this one be denied?

They are non-violent, losely orginized, and have a good message.

Catholics have the Pope, Budists the Dali Lama.

Sure some or many of thier teachings my not fit our version of truth, and some are a little icky, but so what? They still sound better than Scientologist
Any "religion" sounds stupid when your not apart of it.

The whole slow change through capatilism is a good idea, because no one want's to get into a fight with the bigest kid at school. If the kid has an internal change of heart though, all the better.